For God so loved the world...
Back Stories Snippets...
This book of Genesis, or bere’shyt the book of beginnings, is an account of the basics, the ground rules, if you will. How we arrived here, why we arrived here, why the things are the way they are and, much more....
When I heard my pastor mention the other Sunday, that John was the last of the disciples to die, and was the only one to die naturally, I of course, thought of the back story. John lived out his last years on the island of Patmos, sent there by the Roman government because they could not kill him. They tried several ways including placing him in huge vat of boiling oil, but God had plans for him. It was John that was going to write the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. He could not die. He had work yet to do...
One of the most often asked questions by new believers and non-believers is “who did Cain marry?” The Biblical Creation account does not specifically tell us, but all the facts are there to make an accurate assessment and in so doing, shine more light on the question of Darwinian evolution vs. Biblical Creation. Let’s have a quick look...