For God so loved the world...
Passover Tidbit #21: The Tenth Day of the First Month
Welcome to Passover. Today is the 10th of Nisan, the first day of the Passover, really. This is the day the Children of YHWH were told by Moses to go out into the fields and select for them a lamb for the sacrifice. This lamb was to be without blemish, a male of the first year. The Hebrew reads .... zaw-kawr' bane shaw-neh' literally man son year from which is translated ... a male of the first year. Exodus 12:5. Needless to say there is some flexibility in the translation.
The purpose of this sacrificial lamb was, of course, to be a token, in Hebrew oth, a signal or beacon, to the Lord marking the people to be protected during the tribulation about to come. The blood of the lamb covers the believers. Exodus 12:13
Also on the 10th of Nisan some 38 years after this, Joshua led the Children of YHWH through the river Jordan, into the Promised Land. The Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan for them to cross on dry land. Joshua told the people to take twelve stones out of the bottom of the river, now dry, and build a monument as a testimony to YHWH.
Some believe these were the stones Jesus spoke about when He said if the people would not speak "even the stones would cry out".
Camped at Gilgal, Joshua then circumcised the Children. The Lord said "on this day I have removed the reproach of Egypt, or the world, from them. Read Joshua 4:19 through 5:9
Almost 1,000 years later on the 10th of Nisan, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey in fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9-10. He wept for Jerusalem as the Children "missed, this thy day". He would go on to throw over the tables of the moneychangers, and teach many notable lessons on this day. Much of what Jesus did on this day 1985 years ago forms the backbone of the Gospels and are many of the lessons we remember most.
For these reasons many believe Jesus may return the second time on the 10 day of Nisan, today as it were.
I hope to see you on Friday, unless Jesus does return yet today.