Passover Tidbits #5: Friday the 13th
Most of you know that Passover is always celebrated on the actual anniversary of the day the Death Angel passed over Egypt. That day is, of course, the 14th day of the Hebrew month called Nisan. Verses Easter, which is the first Sunday after the first Friday after the Spring Equinox, or basically a random Spring day.
Exodus 12:29 reminds us the Death Angel passed over Egypt at midnight, (khay-tsee' half or the middle) Moses confirms that from before sunset, or about 6 pm, until midnight all were to say in their homes protected by the blood of the sacrificial lamb as this was when the Death Angel would pass over.
Hebrew tradition, which actually makes far more sense than our tradition, counts the day as ending at sunset, or the time when the dark is mixed with the light, the light becomes indistinct, nominally around 6 pm. I do see the impractrtility of their system in todays world, but midnight has no meaning, it has no soul, way too mechanical.
Before sunset, which would have been the 13th of Nisan, all who wanted to be saved, and many of them were not Jewish I might add, painted their door posts and lintels with the blood of the sacrificial lamb, and locked themselves in their homes, or in homes with other likeminded people. Once inside, and with the blood of the lamb covering them, they shared a meal of lamb, unleavened bread, bitter herbs, apples and honey, and such.
At sunset for the Jews, the day clock flipped over to Nisan 14 and the Death Angel of the Lord entered the land of Egypt shortly after. Every first born of man or beast that was unprotected by the blood of the Lamb, died that night.
Egypt did not follow after the God of Israel, nor did they follow the Jewish tradition of changing the day at sunset. To the people of Egypt the Death Angel arrived before midnight, so it was Nisan 13 for them. And yes ... it was a Friday.
Ever since, Friday the 13th has been a bad omen for Gentiles.
This year, 2018, Passover, the 14th day of Nisan, or March 30th on our calendar, again falls on Friday.
For God so loved the world...