We all know that Jesus rose on the third day.
But do you know how many other biblical and life events also occur on the third day?
During this 3-part series, we explore the true beauty and significance of the "third day".
Moses Hands In The air Genesis 26:22 And Jacob went near unto Isaac his father; and he felt him, and said, The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau. An interesting narrative to be sure, but it seems unnecessary to repeat the word voice twice and the word hand twice, one has to wonder if there is more. If you check your Strong’s you will see clearly that the two words for voice are … the same word, pronounced kole, or qol. Genesis 26:22 And Jacob went near unto Isaac his father; and he felt him, and said, The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau. An interesting narrative to be sure, but it seems unnecessary to repeat the word voice twice and the word hand twice, one has to wonder if there is more?...
For God so loved the world...
With all the talk this time of year about the “war on Christmas” I thought I might give my 2 cents. The governor of Rhode Island won’t call the large pine tree with lights and decorations sitting on the front lawn of the capitol a Christmas tree. Nativity scenes all over the country are being removed and the general ugliness of the season is upon us again by those who feign hurt over the perceived Christmas insult. Many seem confused about just who Santa and Jesus are. Some seem to think they are the same person. I understand about the separation of Church and State, although few it seems, actually understand that it means we, as Americans, have the right to worships Jesus Christ any way we want; That the state cannot tell us which way (to worship Jesus Christ) is the only way. That is, after all, why the Mayflower arrived in America in the first place. These original Americans, devoted followers of Jesus Christ, risked everything this life had to offer...
In the book of Ruth, Naomi represents the Jews, Ruth represents the Gentiles and Boaz plays the role of the redeemer (Y'shua). It is the Jew that draws the gentile to the redeemer.
During this series, we will explore how it is through the marriage of the Gentile with Jesus that the Jews are redeemed!