The earth on which we live is in a very delicate balance. We all know about the dangers of pollution, endangered species, depleting the ozone, and what have you. We hear so much about how mankind needs to pull together and save the world, and while it is true that we are called to be good servants of all God has given us, we have to remember that it is not man that is going to save this world (Matt 24:14). The environmentalists warn of certain destruction, global cooling, global warning, nuclear winter, pollution, the destruction of natural resources, whatever is the popular warning of the week. If we don't get our act together, and change many of the things we do, certain destruction awaits. How right they are… in a way.
We know for sure that we are here. How did we get here, and how long ago did it happen are questions difficult to answer for certain, at least in the scientific “only the facts ma’am” kind of way. Some believe that the Earth was formed as a result of a cosmic big bang billions of years ago, and others believe, that the Bible gives the correct account of our beginnings. While there is much hysteria on both sides, actual proof is somewhat difficult to find, as both events happened prior to Walter Cronkite, Fox News, or other reliable sources of information...
In order to accurately date anything, you always need to know three things. 1) the beginning condition, 2) the rate of change, and 3) the present condition. When we only know one, or even two of these things, for sure there is no foolproof way to date any material. We know that carbon 14 dating is affected by many things including changes in the earth’s magnetic field, the amount of ozone in the atmosphere, solar flares and many other things...
Creation/Evolution Snippets...
For God so loved the world...
Current science is always, and will always be, coming up with new "ancestors" of man. Actually, they have to because it does not take long before what they have is proven incorrect. Let’s look at some of the past ancestors that have "proven" Darwinian evolution in the past. Most were in school textbooks and some remain in them...
If the judgment of mankind in Noah’s day really happened, geologists would most certainly have some evidence of a worldwide, earth changing catastrophe. The evidence of that catastrophe is everywhere, on every walking surface and in every dig, but public schools usually teach “uniformitarian “ geology. They say that “the past is the key to the present.” That is, that not much happens in geology. They will tell you for instance, that it took the Colorado River 700 million years to cut the Grand Canyon (that is what the sign says at the Grand Canyon National Park, right?). But what does the geology of the area indicate?
We live in an incredibly complex and beautiful universe, on an earth teeming with life, all of which science has been studying and attempting to explain for thousands of years. We are told that no scientist believes in God anymore, a claim I know to be false. Yet the brilliant men who laid the foundation for modern science (Bacon, Boyle, Dalton, Descarte, Faraday, Joule, Kelvin, Kepler, Maxwell, Mendel, Newton, Pascal, Pasteur, et al) were people who saw the hand of God in His orderly creation, making all science possible. Newton, regarded as the most original and influential thinker in the history of science, "wrote and published more works on interpretation of the Bible than on mathematics and physics." 1 Only lately, in the last 150 years, have atheists aggressively taken the position of spokespersons for science...
Ask any evolutionary scientist how they can prove evolution occurred and they will tell you “the proof is in the fossil record.” But what exactly is a fossil anyway, and how does science know how old they are? Fossils are not bones; they are imprints of bones, that were covered quickly with mud (usually), and over a period of 20 to 200 years, as water percolated through the ground, removed the soluble organic material and replaced it with water born minerals...
13.75 billion, give or take several hundred thousand years. Settled science we are told. This is taught in every public school in the United States. The universe is 13.75 billion years old, well not exactly it might be 13.73 or 13.77 but somewhere around that age. Fair enough, I wasn’t around nor was my dad or his dad. These guys seem a lot smarter than me, so fine. The universe is 13.75 billion years old, but how old is the earth, at least the earth as we know it? Naturally, science has an exact answer for that question, too. This week the answer is 4.54 billion year plus or minus 1%. I say this week because the answer changes constantly and has for more than 300 years. The history of our history is an interesting study, more of a comedy, really...
You asked a questions about the “evidence” of evolution and cited DNA sequencing, anatomical data as apparent evidence of evolution. It is said that if you have two scientists you get three opinions, and this is certainly true among those who investigate Evolution and Creation. They can all look at exactly the same evidence and come to completely opposite conclusions...