For God so loved the world...
If the judgment of mankind in Noah’s day really happened, geologists would most certainly have some evidence of a worldwide, earth changing catastrophe. The evidence of that catastrophe is everywhere, on every walking surface and in every dig, but public schools usually teach “uniformitarian “ geology. They say that “the past is the key to the present.” That is, that not much happens in geology. They will tell you for instance, that it took the Colorado River 700 million years to cut the Grand Canyon (that is what the sign says at the Grand Canyon National Park, right?). But what does the geology of the area indicate?
If the Colorado had been slowly cutting the Grand Canyon over millions of years, we should find over 1 million cubic miles of sand, silt and gravel at the Colorado River Delta (Gulf of Mexico), and yet what we find is a HUGE layer of calcium carbonate, an undersea deposit with enough sand, silt and gravel to imply 3,000 – 4,000 years of river flow!!
When we look at the Colorado river, you are struck by the fact that the Kaibab Plateau of the Grand Canyon is 3,000 feet HIGHER than the head waters of the Colorado River, and more than 1000 feet higher than the south bank across the river, and the land generally slopes to the NORTH-SOUTH, not east-west. How then does the Colorado flow east to west? Not only would the Colorado need to flow UPHILL more than half a mile, but it would have to flow in the WRONG direction, to be in its present location. The uniformitarian theories on how the Colorado came to be here are a credit to creative writing instructors everywhere.
Geologists know a lot about flowing water, and know for a fact that there can be no such thing as an “incised meander.” That is, a river that follows a meandering course and at the same time incises, or digs down, (kolking they call it, as fast moving water actually suctions slabs of rock from the river bottom, and makes the river deeper) into the ground as it flows. The energy in a “meandering” river is at its banks. It will always carve the river wider, not deeper. It will cut “oxbows” and overflow the banks, not cut deeper and deeper channels. You need only look at the Mississippi river in flood years to see that is true. An incised river, like the snake for instance, carves down into the rock, and generally follows a straighter course, the power of an incised river is at the bottom, not the edges. Yet there are many “incised meanders” around the world, including the Colorado River.
Looking at the Grand Canyon from the air, you have to be struck by the cup shaped side canyons that run the length of the canyon. These are formed by large quantities of quickly flowing water through soft, newly deposited sediment. Look at creeks or sloughs that flow through the soft sand at the beach, for instance. The water digs deeper and deeper, and then all of a sudden, a half round section of sand will simply sluff off into the water. This is exactly what you see at the Grand Canyon, indicating the river flowed through soft, newly deposited material. Many layers at a time sluff off indicating all the layers were wet and soft. One has to ask, where did this huge quantity of newly deposited material come from? A question that is easy to answer, in fact expected, if the Biblical account of a worldwide flood is true. However, this is impossible to answer through uniformitarian geology, even in thought experiments, and is something completely unexpected.
Plastic deformation is a term used to describe strata, or layers of earth, that “bend”. These layers unexpectedly bend or jog, before resuming their normal layering. If the layers have dried and the earth shifts, the strata will “break” (brittle deformation). We see that all the time in California. For the strata to “bend” instead of break when the earth moves, indicates that it was still wet at the time of the shift. Plastic deformation bends of more than 1,000 feet can be observed in the Grand Canyon through several layers of material. If each layer needed millions of years to form, how then was it still wet when it bent? Again, it is expected with the Biblical model, but impossible with the uniformitarian model.
The Grand Canyon is full of what geologists call “penny plains.” That is, a change in strata when nothing is known to have happened. For instance, they will tell you that approximately 20 million years passed between the Coconino Sandstone and the Hermit Shale on top of it, yet there is no evidence of life during those 20 million years. No animals walked, no plants grew, no rain fell…nothing happened! 150 million years between the Redwall and the Mauve, and as much as 500 million between the Creation Rock (their words) and the overlaying Vishnu Shiest. The uniformitarian model asks us to suspend common sense and believe these preposterous theories because they will not consider the possibility that the Bible may be true. This is not good science. The Uniformitarian explanations are foolish!!!! It is only a religious dedication to these theories that would continue to uphold them. Only a world view that denies the Bible could be true, could even think this stuff up.
A much better explanation is found in the Bible. Talking about the flood of Noah’s time; 2 Peter 3:6 says “The world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.” If there really was a flood like that, you could not help but see the result. The entire world perished and was changed completely. Do we see evidence of a flood? Everywhere we look. In fact the Rockies we live in are covered in shale, an underwater formed deposit. We can easily find fossils of underwater creatures all over the Rockies. We find coal deposits exactly where the flood model predicts them to be.
Western Colorado is a virtual graveyard of dinosaurs and other creatures caught alive in a huge wall of mud, exactly what the flood model predicts. These creatures are standing on their heads, or tails, feet up in the air, are in positions that only a flood would create, had they died a normal death they would fall to the ground and lay on their sides. Fossils can only form if the fossilee is immediately covered with mud, otherwise the creature simply decays away. Animals scavenge the bones and the sun will rot the flesh and rain water decays the bone. The only possible way to create a fossil graveyard is through a massive flood creating a huge wall of mud to swallow up and kill the prospective fossil. Again, exactly the Biblical account, but impossible with uniformitarian thought.
Let us say that there really WAS a flood as described in the Bible. As the flood waters recede, all the earth would be covered with deposits of material scoured from the face of the earth by the flood waters. We would expect it to be deposited layer after layer for a period of about a year, according to the Bible. As the waters were receding, much of the earth was in travail, and the earth suddenly shifted up several thousand feet, creating what we now call the “Kaibab upwarp.” This would have trapped ponded flood water behind this earthen dam and created a lake covering most of what is now the middle United States up to Yosemite. Soon this dam gave way and the ponded flood water rushed through the soft sediment and cut the Grand Canyon, probably in a few days. We see the soft sediment deformation. We see the cup shaped side canyons. We see the earthen dam. We see the underwater laid strata. We see no sign of life between strata. We see strata that came from far away areas. It would account for how the Colorado runs uphill and across the slope of the land.
We can also look at the top of the lake and find the same kind of fossilized tree formations in Yosemite’s Specimen Ridge, as at the outflow of the lake past the Grand Canyon. We would expect to find coal beds at the windy edge of the ponded water (now the western slope of the Rocky Mountains). In the petrified forests of New Mexico and Arizona, we can find petrified trees whose rings are an exact match for the petrified forests at Specimen Ridge in Yosemite. Petrified trees standing straight up, as if growing there, but with no roots. That only makes sense of there was a lake in that area at one time. Water logged trees knocked over by a tremendous event, perhaps a volcano or giant mud flow, sink heavy end down and are covered by silt and debris, standing dead trees up in the ponded lake water. Everything we see at and around the Grand Canyon is consistent with a worldwide flood 3,000 to 4,000 years ago.
The Havasupai Indians that live in the Grand Canyon believe that a great flood came on the earth as a judgment from God. Their ancestors and animals survived in a hollowed out log. They believe that the receding flood waters cut the Grand Canyon!!! Over 200 other cultures from Australia to China believe the same type of story. They seem to have a better handle on this than most current geologists.
Uniformitarian geology teaches that “the past is the key to the present.” 2 Peter 3:3-5 teaches this “Knowing this first, that in the last days, mocker shall come with mockery, walking after their own lusts, and saying ‘where is the promise of his coming?’ for, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willfully forget, that there were heavens from of old, and an earth compacted out of water and amidst water, by the word of God.”
“The past is the key to the present” – “All things continue as they were from the beginning” God knew scoffers would come, and He knew what they would say creating implausible myths that some would believe. Here is what Peter says about the future in 2 Peter 3: 7-10 “But the heavens that now are, and the earth, but the same word have been stored up for fire, being reserved against the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. But forget not this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering to you-ward, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” (ASV) That day could be soon. ARE YOU READY???