For God so loved the world...
You asked a questions about the “evidence” of evolution and cited DNA sequencing, anatomical data as apparent evidence of evolution.
It is said that if you have two scientists you get three opinions, and this is certainly true among those who
investigate Evolution and Creation. They can all look at exactly the same evidence and come to completely
opposite conclusions. I used to think we could at least agree on one thing though, and that is that only
one path is correct, we either evolved or were created. However, I have found there are those believe
who found there are those who believe that God created everything and put it in place, and evolution then
took over and brought us to where we are today. Theistic Evolution it is called. At some point each of us
must chose to believe one or the other. We were created by a loving God for His glory, or we simply
happened as a result of random processes and dumb luck, and for no purpose.
Science has allowed us to actually see, and break apart, the building blocks of all living things. We have discovered that every living thing has the same four main building blocks, which produce the same 22 amino acids, which make the needed proteins and all the DNA and RNA found in every living thing. The numerical difference from a pig to a man is a very short jump when looking at the relative DNA of each. But it is huge when you look at a pig standing next to a man.
To someone who believes we randomly evolved, the similarities are proof positive that we all came from the same ancestor. To someone who believes we were purposefully created, this same data is the proof a single creator is responsible for all things.
There are, and will always be, an endless unending supply of arguments that evolution is true. One of the current ones is that retroviruses inserted in the DNA make perfect signposts, as they don’t move. The claim is that these signposts can be found and traced to the cousin critters allowing science to actually trace the evolutionary line. In this way you should be able to follow these signposts backward down the evolutionary tree. A great idea, if it were only true. The reality is these sign posts are not as fool proof as science originally thought. As it turns out they only appear in some cousin critters, so science is left to explain why the signpost of evolution is missing in some places, and shows up in others. These biologists have been required, therefore, to come up with some pretty fanciful stories.
Same with psudogenes, interspersed elements, and many others things, their theory is that they “prove” evolution … except they never do. If one believes a Single loving Creator, existing outside time and space, is responsible for all creation these issues are non issues. In fact, it is exactly what we would expect to see. Biologists, on the other hand, when questioned about why these “proofs” don’t always work, are forced to find excuses; they are “anomalies”, the “accidental insertions”, “no known mechanisms”, and my personal favorite “the path is not yet fully understood”. Not fully understood indeed, they have no clue without God.
I believe the path is fully understood. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. From the same four elements we find in a hand full of dirt, a great and glorious God fashioned every living thing, purposefully and lovingly, and for His use. The fact that a mere 25,000 genes can build me or you, or a whale or a bird, or a tree or a flower, a beetle or bee, shows an intelligence of design that could not be accidently replicated by chance if given 100 trillion trillion years. The vast landscape of hundreds of thousands of species of bugs to mammals, mold to trees, you to me, screams God and how anyone can not see that, can only be a religious dedication to the ungodly theory of evolution.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
We walk in the flesh, that is to say, we are human, but our true and real battles are not human battles. Although we fight human battles with school, work, illness, friends, family all the time, we do not war after the flesh. The real battles are supernatural, and the weapons we have to fight those battles are not carnal, or human, but are given by God, through the Holy Spirit for the pulling down of strongholds. Strongholds is an interesting word, it is ochuroma and can mean cell, or prison, or grave, a place of holding fast. Casting down imaginations, the word is logismos and means thoughts, imaginings, or philosophies, and all things that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God.
These ideas and philosophies (logismos) and theories become the prisons (ochuroma) for those who believe them to be above the knowledge of God. God has provided the weapon through the Holy Spirit to fight against these things. That weapon is, of course, The Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of Truth, but if we don’t use it to bring these thoughts captive to Christ, these prisons (ochuroma) become graves (ochuroma) for those that follow these vain philosophies of worldly wisdom.
I would strongly recommend a book called “Darwin’s Black Box” written by Micheal Behe. Behe is a micro biologist and backslidden Roman Catholic, and as a result of the work he does at the cellular level every day, came to realize that evolution could not have happened. He explains clearly what cells do, and how they support life and why from the cellular level evolution is impossible. It is quite interesting and even more compelling. He explains it in layman’s terms which makes it a pretty easy read, and is a must read before you go off to college.