For God so loved the world...
One of the most often asked questions by new believers and non-believers is “who did Cain marry?” The
Biblical Creation account does not specifically tell us, but all the facts are there to make an accurate
assessment and in so doing, shine more light on the question of Darwinian evolution vs. Biblical Creation. Let’s have a quick look.
The Bible is fairly clear that in addition to Cain, Able and Seth, “other children were born to Adam and Eve.” So Cain and Able married their sisters …. Yuck. Double yuck. OK you already knew they married their sisters, they had to, and why is that a question non-believers always ask, as though it somehow disproves the Bible?
The purposes of marriage are many, but first among them for all of history (until this century apparently) was procreation. Many peoples and tribes to this day intermarry. Heck, Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin. This activity is a long standing tradition in some places, for practical and cultural reasons. You have bred dogs, right? Or you must be aware of horse breeding, and the importance of a good genetic line? In order to keep the line strong and pure they often interbreed. We have a negative reaction to this practice for two reasons, first of course is cultural, we just don’t do that here. We are raised to think that is disgusting. Secondly, it is illegal in many parts of this country due to the possibility of birth defects.
Let’s have a quick look at these things, shall we? First we must recognize that with either Creation or evolution, the first children had to marry, to produce more children. The evolutionists and scientists of their ilk even call this first women “Mitochondrial Eve.” They correctly understand the every person ever born has some of the genes of the first parents, although we never hear of “mitochondrial Adam” now do we? Now realize for a moment that the entire Darwinian evolution scenario is impossible to the 100th power, but for it to have worked at all, it had to happen at least twice. Somewhere a man and a women, had to come together to produce offspring. These two individuals had to “evolve” from Monkeys first, but amazingly enough, at exactly the same moment in time, and at the exact same place on earth they evolved and to stretch a very thin line even further, they had to meet and successfully procreate at least twice.
Now of course these two new humans had to have many, many, children and these children would grow to sexual maturity and successfully procreate to produce more children who would then need to live to sexual maturity before they too could procreate and here we are. Science readily admits that we are all descended from the first couple. We are all related, which is probably why we don’t get along better, but I digress.
I find it more than difficult to believe the Darwinian evolution tale, but to believe a human was born to a monkey, called punctuated equilibrium and the current teaching in most universities, is pretty farfetched. To believe that at the same time, in the same place, and what are the odds, another human of the opposite sex was born to another monkey? And we are expected to believe that for the next two decades or so, all the while surrounded by monkeys and other wild animals, these two slower, clumsier critters, without the ability to climb or swing in the trees, that cannot eat the same things as their “parents” somehow survived and thrived, is just too much to ask. But science claims they did, and more impossible yet they found each other, fell in love and had children, many children.
We are all brothers and sisters, cousins; from the same family, on that science and the Bible agree. Which account is more believable? I guess you will need to judge that for yourself.
But why do these same non believers think that the Biblical narrative of brothers and sisters procreating is horrific, but it is never mentioned in their own evolutionary fantasy tale? At least in the Creation narrative both parents were created in the same place and at the same time, and both by the hand of a loving God. That certainly makes a more believable tale than the evolutionists’ story of two independently evolving people, in the same place at the same time finding themselves and falling in love.
When we consider the “yuck” factor of marrying your own sister, it is difficult if not impossible, for us in this culture to toss the baggage over board and consider life through the first children’s eyes. They had no previous experience, and no other options. This would not have seemed odd at all; in fact the exact opposite is true. They would know from the experience of their own parents, that one male and one female should bond and product offspring, for all the reasons we know offspring are important. They would know and trust their own family and it would seem as natural as … well … as natural as nature. This is exactly what they would have observed in nature. All the animals that their father named and knew, each produced off spring with their own sisters. As God created a world in which all He told Adam and Eve could easily be seen in nature, including seeds, stars, food, good and evil, knowledge, you name it God made it so the ideas were seen in nature. So too was procreation.
The question of genetic issues is certainly a consideration now. Our genes are damaged every day by radiation, sickness, and other things. As we procreate now, if the genes of the father and mother are both damaged in some place or places, the correct genes of the other parent cover the mistake. This is a small part of the beauty of seeing God’s Hand in His Creation, this possible future problem of a damaged gene was covered before God created humans. If, on the other hand, both genetic codes are damaged in the same place, then this damage is passed to the child. Gene damage in exactly the same location is rare and for that reason birth defects resulting from the same damaged gene carried by both the mother and father are rare, unless of course the mother and father are from the same gene pool, then the odds go way up.
At the time of creation we were perfect. Genes had not yet become damaged or corrupted, as there was a dense heavy water vapor barrier that covered the earth. Not only did it keep the climate constant, and watered all the plants, but it protected us from harmful radiation from the sun. There would be no possibility that both the mother and father would have any damaged genes, let alone the same damaged gene, so there was no issue with birth defects in the garden. Adam and Eve were perfect, created by the Hand of God Himself.